Monday 2 January 2012

How To Make Your Hair Grow: Olive Oil Hair Treatment

Helloo :-)
A lot of people will know from my constant wingeing that I really need my hair to grow, my extensions are such a hastle and I just dont think short hair suits me so I'm on the hunt for some miracle growing treatment and thought I'd keep you all informed!

The first one (second technically but first I'm blogging about) I'm trying is an Olive Oil treatment, and believe me, it's not the weirdest thing I've put in my hair.

So, what you'll need is...

-Olive oil, any kind
-Frankinscence Essential Oil you can get this in the Body Shop fairly cheaply
-A towel, preferably one that doesn't matter if it gets a bit oily
-Cling film, standard kitchen cling film!
-Your hair brush
-And a tub or jar with a lid

Okay so...

1. You'll need to measure out roughly half a cup (more for longer thicker hair, less for shorter thinner hair) of olive oil into your container and add 5 drops of frankinscence, seems weird but if it's good enough for the baby Jesus it's good enough for me!

2. Shake it all up! Make sure the lid's on tight... this gives the oils a chance to blend.

3. Next you need to dampen your hair with lukewarm water, not hot as this damages the hair further meaning it won't grow as quickly and when it does, it'll look awful, but warm enough!

4. Squeeze out any excess water and begin by pouring a few teaspoons worth of the oil mixture into your palm and warming it up then start by massaging it into your roots with your fingertips, not nails as these are too harsh and can damage your hair at the roots. Massaging your scalp stimulates the blood flow in this area meaning the hair with grow quicker, it doesn't hurt to do it everytime you apply conditioner normally.

5. Once it's all massaged in, using as much as you need, you can concentrate on your ends, mine are incredibly split and dry so i'm the perfect candidate for this! It can be a bit tricky pouring it into your ends so I ended up dipping them into the jar!

6. Next, work it through the midlengths of your hair which need the least attention.

7. After your hair is thoroughly drenched in this little concoction, twist your hair on top of your head and wrap it in cling film. This helps to keep the heat in which causes your hair folicles to open allowing the oils to penetrate it more deeply.

8. Wrap the towel like a turban around the cling film and leave it for as long as you like! At least an hour is best, you can even do it overnight but bear in mind there is a stage that your hair becomes so saturated that it physically can't take in any more product, this is different for everyone but overnight is plenty long enough as an average.

9. Once it's been in your hair for your chosen period of time you'll need to rinse it with warm (not hot!) water first and then with shampoo and condition as normal. Ideally you'll lay off the blow-dryer and straightners as a general rule for healthy hair but if you can't resist then it's got to be done!

Mine's currently on top of my head! I've had it in for about 2 hours so far, you dont have to just sit there remember, I've been revising, tidyed my room and have done this to keep me busy.

I'll let you know if I see a difference, doing this every few weeks. That's probably a lie, I'll do it more often, havent quite got the hang of 'less is more' yet...

Let me know if you've tried anything that works! Even if it doesn't make your hair grow, it'll leave it super soft and healthy looking.

Hope you've enjoyed this :-)



  1. I have never tried olive oil, but used to put on baby oil. Smells lovely, but it won't get rid of split ends. Good luck with the testing.

  2. 've never nyoba also use oil like this,.
    jaid curious how the results will

  3. This is a very good idea! Going to try it out:)
